Live Generously

My first read of the gospel* this week had my stomach in knots. To those who are listening, Jesus is saying to love outside the box, to include in our circle of prayer and kindness and generosity those people especially whom we consider undeserving. We are to have an open heart for those whose attitudes […]

In the Beginning

In the quiet of this morning I recall the prayer and gestures of the priest as he stands ready at the lectern before reading a gospel narrative each week. I make the sign of the cross on my forehead and say, dear God, may your Word be upon my mind; and then the gesture again […]

Living Each Day

The confluence of the turning of earth’s seasons, the occasion of my birthday, and the nearing transition of the Church’s liturgical cycle from Ordinary Time to Advent, has me pondering my days. My reflectiveness is also influenced by the uncertainty that continues with the COVID-19 pandemic and alarming reports on climate change. Sunday’s gospel* also […]

An Awakened Heart

Just a week ago I attended a memorial service for a dear friend. We had not been in contact for many years, but hearing of her death awakened in me our forever connection. Almost four decades ago when I was in my mid 20s Marcelline saw me with the loving eyes of Christ and encouraged […]