The Time of The Great Turning – Aug. 5, 2022

“I do not know why we were made believers during the time of the great turning, but there we are. We are one of the hinge-generations, people living in historical periods of great and deep change. We did not choose this for ourselves, but I believe it was chosen for us by a power greater […]

Timeless Wonder

“Is it possible to have a call – a wake-up experience – at a very young age?” The question came in the chat box on a Zoom retreat that I was leading. “Yes,” I said, “I think children do have these experiences, but usually don’t have language for them.” And I went on with my […]

Stand Up, Be Free

She has suffered for a lifetime.* Each 18-year segment of our lives, fertile with potential, yields a bounty of experiences. Given 18 years, we can reach a distant destination, achieve a desired goal. We can take up new callings, relinquish what limits us, become more fully ourselves. In 18 years we journey from birth through […]

Thin Places

This week, a friend retired after 25 years in one academic institution. She was ready, and yet weepy when the last boxes of books went into the car. It was the end of her work there. It was also the end of her identity as a seminary professor: those books were left behind. Surprised by […]