Breathless with Wonder

I grew up in Southern California, the land of eternal sunshine. So even after living in Washington, DC for over thirty years, whenever I see those nearly weightless, shining crystals floating through the cold, winter air, I get a little breathless. I stare at the magical beauty of fat, white flakes flying through a night […]

Shining Like the Sun

There is a story about two young fish merrily swimming along who encounter an old fish swimming the other way. The old fish says, “Good morning, boys. How do you like the water today?” The young fish swim on a bit and then one turns to the other and says, “What’s water?” Awareness of their […]

Radiant Wholeness

As Lent approaches, I am watching the slow miracle of orchids opening on my windowsill. Fleshy green leaves brush the chilled glass as a third flower opens from the line of buds. Amid other mementos on the sill, deep crimson stipples the white petals and a golden throat opens. Its radiance stuns me awake. Outside, […]

New Understandings

Transfiguration Sunday – Year A – Matthew 17:1-9 One of the most attractive temptations is not to understand something but to keep talking about it anyway. If we keep talking, maybe we will reach a point of greater understanding. We might form a discussion group on the subject, or conduct a survey, or brainstorm possible […]