
The Spirit’s Lead – Oct. 18, 2019

“In following the Spirit’s lead as best we can, we will cooperate with God’s mysterious evolution of a fully reconciled and joyful creation. Our personal and social visions and actions will be soaked with what the Spirit forms in us, always beyond our full comprehension. With childlike hearts, yet vigilant minds, we will ever more […]

Trusting God – Oct. 17, 2019

“Emily Dickinson put it best: “Instead of getting to heaven at last / I am going all along.” The Reign of God is being realized on earth as in heaven—step by step. We move on pilgrimage, which is both moving with God and toward God, trusting God on a path that is mysterious and unknown […]

Open to Grace – Oct. 16, 2019

“Spiritual perfection is not found in the fulfillment of any rigid blueprint. It is found rather in the surprising moments of meeting between God’s active grace and our spontaneous willingness. All of us know such perfect moments. They are moments lived out of the heart, found scattered through the day like manna falling in the […]

Living Prayer – Oct. 15, 2019

“Authentic prayer is opening to God’s gracious presence with all that we are, what Scripture summarizes as our whole heart, soul, and mind (Matt 22:37). Therefore, prayer is more a way of being than an isolated act of doing… Prayer is aimed at our deepest problem: our tendency to forget our liberating connectedness with God… […]