
Contemplation – Mar. 18, 2021

“Contemplation is about stepping out of the world of surface appearances and illusions and into eternity in the presence of God. The eternal reality is that each of us bears a “weight of glory” that would dazzle us like the sun, if we looked straight into it now. But like the sun, seeing by its […]

The Liberating Face of God – Mar. 16, 2021

“Both the church and the individuals within it need to be purified if we’re to see God or ourselves clearly, which we must do if we’re to reflect the Divine to a world that is gazing at us. Purification is painful, because it requires a self-emptying, or kenosis, of all that‘s false and destructive, so […]

Restoration to Wholeness – Mar. 15, 2021

“It is clear from Jesus’ teachings, his ministry of healing, and his passion that he deeply desires our restoration to wholeness. There are many means through which this restoration occurs, including everything from therapy to active service to the humblest members of his family, but contemplating the face of Christ is perhaps the most direct […]