
Community – Mar. 4, 2022

“It’s finding a spiritual community that counts, that stretches you, that carries you on when you least feel like going on. If you’re lucky, there is a monastic choir close to you that you can join, or if none is geographically available, gatherings… online offering daily horaria you can connect with there. Then, during those […]

The Contemplative Life – Mar. 3, 2022

“The contemplative life is more than Christian prayers or rituals or sermons. It is all of those things but more. It is about the experience of God on the individual level. It is the fullness of the Tradition come to life again in us as the personal sensibility of what it is to realize that […]

Silence – Mar. 2, 2022

“Every tradition conceives of silence as “the Gateway to God,” the entrée to spiritual wisdom, the beginning of interior peace, the first step to self-control. Silence, the masters repeat, is the first step to wisdom, the door to self-awareness. Silence, the monastics come to realize, is the link that connects us to the Divine. However […]

Seeking the Arts – Mar. 1, 2022

“Make your soul a seeker of the arts and your environment a holy site that rejects the tawdry, the artificial, and the vulgar. If the question is whether it is possible to have a real spiritual life without a sense of beauty, the answer of an ancient and anonymous poet is a simple one: “When […]