Holding the Hot Potato

When Jesus told parables, he often avoided straightforward hero/villain figures. The prodigal son and his brother, the shrewd manager, the unjust judge — Jesus generally gives us surprisingly complex characters to wrestle with in his short stories. But the unforgiving debtor: obviously a bad guy.* He receives the mercy of the king, and then turns […]
You Let Me Sing – Sept. 20, 2022
“You let me sing, you lifted me up, you have my soul a beam to travel on. You folded your distance back into my heart. You drew the tears back to my eyes. You hid me in the mountain of your word. You gave the injury a tongue to heal itself. You covered my head […]
What else do we want, except to be loved – Apr. 4, 2022
“Whenever I groan within myself and think how hard it is to keep writing about love in these times of tension and strife which may at any moment become for us all a time of terror, I think to myself, “What else is the world interested in?” What else do we all want, each one […]
The Act of Seeing – Feb. 3, 2021
“If it is love that you truly desire then set out at once on the task of Seeing. This requires calling things by their name, no matter how painful the discovery and the consequences. If you achieve this kind of honest awareness of the other and yourself, you are likely to experience terror. Think of […]