

I remember when my husband and I had just indulged in giant-scoop ice cream cones of our favorite flavor, jamoca almond fudge. Stumbling on the cobblestone pavement, his cone flipped, and the ice cream fell out. A young child behind us gasped and stepped up, holding out her own cone as solace. Who could have imagined this magnanimous […]

Working Through Us – Nov. 15, 2022

“Without higher-quality material to work with, God resorts to working through us for others and upon us through others. Those are some weirdly restorative, disconcerting shenanigans to be caught up in: God forcing God’s people to see themselves as God sees them, to do stuff they know they are incapable of doing, so that God […]

High Fiving – Feb. 9, 2022

“I settled into the coffee shop (where, it seemed, every other black person in this town was [hiding], every one of them offering me some discreet version of the negreet-ing), took my notebooks out, and was reading over these delights, transcribing them into my computer. And while I was working, headphones on, swaying to the […]

With Cautious Hugs

For the first time in a year of pandemic isolation, I set the table for five on Easter Sunday. I felt both excited and awkward, unsure that I had enough food, that the house looked okay, that we were, in fact, safe from infecting each other. After a year of restricted contact, we were about […]