
Do More, Be More, Have More

Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there. Right after his glorious confirmation, right after being assured of his place and purpose—“This is my beloved, in whom I am well pleased”—Jesus faces the wilderness. Great assurance, followed by great difficulty. Is it possible we heard wrong our calling? […]

Bad News and Good News

Lately, the newspaper and the scripture readings seem to be interchangeable. When Jesus warns us* about wars and uprising, nations attacking one another, earthquakes, famines, and epidemics, I might as well be reading the front page of The Washington Post. War in Ukraine! Rising inflation! Political chaos! Police brutality! Racism! New strains of COVID! Half […]

Follow and Pray – May 10, 2022

“Remember, he said: “I am the Way.” Not, at the end of the way you will find me, but I AM the way. As soon as you get started on my way, you will find me. I am the way right beneath your feet, wherever you are, at whatever point you start. If you start […]

Defining Alternative Standards – Mar. 24, 2021

“If the terms of success as defined by the standards of ruling groups within white-supremacist, capitalist patriarchy are the only standards that exist, then assimilation is indeed necessary. But they are not. Even in the face of powerful structures of domination, it remains possible for each of us, especially those of us who are members […]