
Family Values

So, what does Jesus have to say on the topic of family values? Everyone recognizes this as a loaded question, a political question, the kind that gets asked to trip up a person and obscure real answers. They try to trap him by asking, “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife?” His response […]

Was Jesus Prejudiced?

Some say Jesus was perfect, all-knowing and all-loving. If so, what are we to make of his snippy retort to the Canaanite woman who wanted healing for her daughter.* “I only came for the lost sheep of Israel,” Jesus said, and, when she persisted, he added, “It’s not fair to take the children’s food and […]

Faith Without Works – June 8, 2020

[These selections are all from, an Advent-season devotional “written by a collective of pastors and parents, writers and activists, organizers and students, and everyone in between… for radicals and would-be radicals. We are the people who stand in defiance of the status quo.” While it’s technically the wrong season for these, I find them […]