
Steady Truth

I have long valued the story of the tender-hearted young boy who liked to walk on the mountain trails with his friend, an old monk. One day, the boy stopped still, staring at a butterfly on a bush blazing in the sunlight. He cried out, “O, Father, I see God in that bush!” The monk […]

Afternoon Commitment to Innate Goodness – Nov. 18, 2021

“I want to follow the example of Jesus in servant leadership. If I am to be a prophet of peace in a violent world, then I must practice living with a nonviolent heart. I must become peace. I do not want the burden of bitterness to have a place in my life. If there is […]

Holding On – Oct. 7, 2020

“Holding to the narrow way, as life-promising as it may be, has never been easy, and is especially difficult in our market-driven, industrial countries with their emphases on consumption and private gain. Very few today talk about or value solitude, creativity, friendship, dialogue, reflection, political and social action on behalf of oppressed persons — a […]

CoS Books – Five for $30

Friends, thank you for your continued reading! We are so grateful for our community and for being in fellowship with you through the digital Inward/Outward ministry Kayla began more than 10 years ago. We have shared quotes from Elizabeth O’Connor, Gordon, and Kayla this week and now you can keep their words in your home […]