

I saw a mother breastfeeding on the train. She covered herself as the child took what she was freely giving. A sacred sharing. Her tilted downward gaze, the shape of her eyes, the curl of her lips, glowed as if transfigured. Time stopped for one eternal moment, and on that specific day, in that specific place, I […]

Blessing of the Well – Oct. 24, 2022

If you standat the edgeof this blessingand call downinto it,you will hearyour wordsreturn to you. If you lean in close,you will hearthis blessinggive the storyof your lifeback to you. Quiet your voice.Quiet your judgment.Quiet the wayyou always tellyour storyto yourself.…. –Jan Richardson, from “Blessing of the Well” in Circle of Grace, p. 109

You Preside – Oct. 21, 2022

You preside over all our comings and goings, all our wealth and all our poverty, all our sickness and all our health, all our despair and all our hope, all our living and all our dying. And we are grateful. You are God of all of our impossibilities. You have presided over the emancipations and […]

Responding to LOVE – Oct. 6, 2022

“The greatness of the saints lies not in their doing; their greatness lies in their response to LOVE which ever beckons them and empowers them to love. In the end, their greatness lies in their willingness to relinquish all for the sake of LOVE, to be united with LOVE. In this oneness they come to […]