Communion of Saints – Aug. 2, 2021
“The pilgrim self also needs the fearful ones to remind it that it cannot survive in its own strength alone, that it needs the company of those who have been in touch with what is highest in themselves. This self does not find archaic the ancient concept of communion with the saints. In that communion […]
Naming Ourselves – July 29, 2021
“We name ourselves by the choices we make, and we can help in our own naming by living through the choices, right and wrong, of the heroes and heroines whose stories we read. To name is to love. To be Named is to be loved. So in a very true sense the great works which […]
Losing Touch – Oct. 20, 2020
“As soon as we succumb to someone else’s definition of who we are, we lose our sense of true self and of our right relation to the world. It makes no difference whether those projections make us the hero or the goat: when we allow others to name us, we lose touch with our own […]
Knowing Ourselves – Oct. 19, 2020
“A strong community helps people develop a sense of true self, for only in community can the self exercise and fulfill its nature: giving and taking, listening and speaking, being and doing. But when community unravels and we lose touch with one another, the self atrophies and we lose touch with ourselves as well.” –Parker […]