For Future Generations – June 9, 2022
“Living and dying, sorrow and joy, the blisters on my feet and the jasmine behind the house, the persecution, the unspeakable horrors: it is all as one in me, and I accept it all as one mighty whole and begin to grasp it better if only for myself, without being able to explain to anyone […]
Desert as Metaphor – June 3, 2022
“The desert as metaphor is that uncharted terrain beyond the edges of the seemingly secure and structured world in which we take such confidence, a world of affluence and order we cannot imagine ever ending. Yet it does. And at the point where the world begins to crack, where brokenness and disorientation suddenly overtake us, […]
Loss has made me a misfit. Lost in my own life. My older brother died recently. Though I had in many ways been hoping for his release from the sufferings of disease, even expected it for about a week, it came as a shock. And with the shock, came a world of paralyzing sorrow. Strong family roots, shared values […]
Who Are We? – May 9, 2022
“When we look at Jesus, we see human nature as it is intended to be. Fully human, fully divine, Jesus shows us what human nature is, what the Divine nature is. Our goal is to go down, down, and down into our own inner beauty and love, to rest in our own depths. We commit, […]