
Holy Integrity – Mar. 12, 2021

“God who chose sides,Forgive us for idolizing the lukewarmth of the middle. We wear it as its own brand of superiority, believing it makes us virtuous and rational and above the fight. But Lord, help us to remember there are those things worth fighting for – that you are a God who does not only […]

Angry Enough

In my School for Christian Growth class, part of our homework this week is to reflect on our favorite stories about Jesus. What came to mind immediately for me was not the moment of tenderness with Mary in the garden on Easter morning, nor when Jesus calls Peter to courageously step out of the boat, […]

Persecuted – Feb. 25, 2021

“Jesus said, Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessings to those who are dislocated for the cause of justice; their new home is in the province of the universe.Health to those who are dominated and driven apart because they long for a firm foundation; their […]

Public Shalom – Jan. 21, 2021

“The consequences of justice and righteousness is shalom, an enduring Sabbath of joy and well-being. But the alternative is injustice and oppression, which lead inevitably to turmoil and anxiety, with no chance of well-being… Shalom is never the private property of the few.” -Walter Brueggemann, Peace: Living Toward a Vision, pg. 18-20