
Follow and Pray – May 10, 2022

“Remember, he said: “I am the Way.” Not, at the end of the way you will find me, but I AM the way. As soon as you get started on my way, you will find me. I am the way right beneath your feet, wherever you are, at whatever point you start. If you start […]

Morning Break for Blessings – Nov. 17, 2021

“In the middle of my morning’s work I break for blessings: a deep breath, a glance out the window, a graceful stretch, a remembrance of God, a brief reflection on the nobility of work, an encouraging word, a grateful thought, a smile, a short prayer, a remembrance of who I am, a sip of freshly […]

Remember – Dec. 25, 2020

Remember the sky that you were born under, know each of the star’s stories. Remember the moon, know who she is. I met her in a bar once in Iowa City. Remember the sun’s birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time. Remember sundown and the giving away to night. Remember your birth, how your mother struggled to give you form […]

See That You Remember – Sept. 14, 2018

“Remember again and again that the true pilgrimage is into the undiscovered land of your own imagination, which you could not have explored any other way than through these lands, with gratitude in your satchel and the compassion for all you see as your touchstone. Recall the voice that spoke to Tolstoy in a dream […]