Becoming Human – May 3, 2023

“None of us comes into the world fully formed. We would not know how to think, or walk, or speak, or behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human. I am because other people are… The solitary, isolated human being is […]

A Member of the Flock

I don’t like being called a sheep. As a city person, I don’t really know much about sheep, except that they are stupid, dirty, smelly creatures that stand around all day eating grass, willing to follow the crowd even if they are about to run off the cliff. I could be wrong, of course, but […]

Our Need For a Judas – Apr. 4, 2023

“We all need someone to draw off the demonic in us. We still need someone to blame, someone on whom we can project our own fears and phantoms. How often have we hear a parent say, “that child will be the death of me!” Or one marriage partner say of another, “I should have known […]

Smashing Convention

Of course, I had to read the recent NYT article “Kung Fu Nuns of Nepal Smash Convention.” It described how a group of Buddhist nuns are challenging longstanding traditional concepts about what women can and can’t do by practicing Kung Fu, which gives them “inner confidence” and readies them to “take care of others during crises.” And they […]