
Reconnecting with the Unconscious – June 19, 2020

“By listening to our dreams of the night, or the daydreams and intuitions of our wakeful hours, we can access ways of seeing that will truly serve the holy work of bringing back into communion again what has been torn apart in our lives and our world.” –John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God

Reconnecting with the Earth – June 18, 2020

“But wherever our sacred sites are, we must ensure that the language we use, the rituals we celebrate, and the symbols we employ keep pointing to the great living cathedral of earth, sea, and sky.” –John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God

Reconnecting with the Journey – June 17, 2020

“It is time for Christianity to make our offerings freely to the world. Not on the basis of whether people become Christian and choose to enter our household, but on the basis of the gifts that we have to offer for the well-being of the world.” –John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God

Reconnecting with Light – June 16, 2020

“When we truly shine, and when we work for the true shining of every child, woman, man, and creature, we find that sometimes we create discomfort in the people around us and in the holders of power in our communities and our world.” –John Philip Newell, The Rebirthing of God