
Blessed Is the One – Sept. 22, 2022

“I lost my way, I forgot to call on your name. The raw heart beat against the world, and the tears were for my lost victory. But you are here. You have always been here. The world is all forgetting, and the heart is a rage of directions, but your name unifies the heart, and […]

Make Ours a Beautiful Rage – Mar. 8, 2021

“God of Holy Rage,Too often we fear that to allow for anger is to become less like You. Let us meet the God of the prophets. You, who tells the truth. You, who holds fury at injustice. Help us to remember that You, in embodied anger, flipped the temple tables at the site of injustice […]

Angry Enough

In my School for Christian Growth class, part of our homework this week is to reflect on our favorite stories about Jesus. What came to mind immediately for me was not the moment of tenderness with Mary in the garden on Easter morning, nor when Jesus calls Peter to courageously step out of the boat, […]