
The Dishes – June 12, 2020

“My friend has a plaque hanging up in her kitchen “Everyone wants a revolution; Nobody wants to do the dishes.” Is there anything more true? I think my church, and my kids, and myself, I think we want to be radicals. I think we want to change. But we don’t want to do the work […]

God’s Inbreaking Justice – June 11, 2020

“We walk towards God’s inbreaking justice in the world, which is coming whether we are flying, running, or crawling. Our small acts of justice – those single steps that we refuse to stop doing, even though we can’t see how they’ll make a difference – are met by a generous, just God who is multiplying […]

Walls of Injustice – June 10, 2020

“Sometimes it feels like we just don’t have it in us to keep throwing ourselves at the walls of injustice that seem too high, too impenetrable, too exhausting. Hope, though, is the decision to keep moving forward, even it’s only one step, and even in the darkness, even when we can’t see.” –Laura Jean Truman, […]

Practice Right Now – June 9, 2020

“We are here expressly to participate in the dismantling, tearing down, and creation of what is to be. That purpose was here for us, before we were here ourselves. We still have to try. Practice your call, whatever that is. Practice right now, today, in these particular times. Fears, pangs, and uncertainty be damned and […]