
Events Aplenty! – Cooking, Voting, Climate, Healing…

Saturday, Sep. 12 “Join Laila El-Haddad for her second LIVE cooking class with the museum, as she guides us through the recipe for Rumaniyya, a seasonal Palestinian dish comprised of stewed eggplants, pomegranate, and lentils flavored with distinctive Gazan spices. We will cook together while discussing the intersection of food, culture, and politics. Laila, also […]

Hidden Things

There is an old Chinese story about a poor farmer whose father died in a faraway land. His neighbors called it bad luck. But the farmer said, “Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?” With the inheritance, the farmer bought a large property with a great mansion. The neighbors called it good luck. The farmer replies, […]

Black Lives Matter

Recovery Cafe DC Founders’ Response to Systemic Racism “As African American founders of Recovery Cafe DC, we identify with and recognize the pain and feelings of fatigue over the injustices we face every day. Recovery Cafe DC stands against all acts of violence and injustices against Black Americans like George Floyd, Justin Howell, Trayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, Alton Sterling, […]

Fall Courses Around CoS

New Community Church – Race, Faith and Justice: History of Civil Rights Movement, $Free “This eight-session class highlights several key campaigns led by Dr. King from the perspective of the faith that was at the heart of his life and of the civil rights movement. We also lift up some other faithful partners in the […]