
Loving the People – May 10, 2023

“A moving feeling within me… that I was sitting there demanding a God-given right, and my soul became satisfied that I was right in what I was doing. At the same time there was something deep down within me, moving me… that I could no longer be satisfied or go along with an evil system that […]

Clothed in Humility

I’ve always loved John the Baptist, the lonely wanderer, the poetic beauty of being “the voice of one crying out in the wilderness.” But I confess, this year I read about John and thought he was a bit of a weirdo. Walking around shouting at people, wearing rough clothes, scavenging for his food– John’s behavior […]

Tears of Joy – Sept. 14, 2022

Krista Tippett: I was present and very privileged just today here in Montgomery [Alabama] to witness the head of public safety, the chief of police, offer you a public apology, and talk about his work to bring the truth of that history to policemen coming up now. It was an incredible moment. Rep. John Lewis: It was […]

Would You Like to Come With Me? – Mar. 26, 2021

“All too often we think of community in terms of being with folks like ourselves: the same class, same race, same ethnicity, same social standing and the like. All of us evoke vague notions of community and compassion, yet how many of us went out to find an intimate other, to bring them with us […]