
Spirit of Truth

This Spring, glorious as it is, I often seem to be stuck in sad emotions and the inability to move forward in making decisions about the future. I awaken each day with a practice of remembering my identity as a beloved child of God, intending to stay conscious of the “we-ness” of approaching each moment. Yet I […]

We Never Let Go – Apr. 14, 2023

We do not really let go of love;We hold on to it.We hold on to what remainsAfter all the dross is put away.And after all the pain hasPurified the heart,We know that we need only partWith things that cannot last.But we hold on to what is pure;We cherish the truth we’ve found.And what is beautiful […]

The Liberating Face of God – Mar. 16, 2021

“Both the church and the individuals within it need to be purified if we’re to see God or ourselves clearly, which we must do if we’re to reflect the Divine to a world that is gazing at us. Purification is painful, because it requires a self-emptying, or kenosis, of all that‘s false and destructive, so […]