
Unknowing – Feb. 20, 2023

“When I say “darkness”, I mean a privation of knowing, just as whatever you do not know or have forgotten is dark to you, because you do not see it with your spiritual eyes. For this reason, that which is between you and your God is termed, not a cloud of the air, but a […]

Feeling the Sacred Within – Feb. 8, 2023

“Ultimately we must each create a personal image of the sacred that leads us toward the ultimate mystery… We open a space for the feeling of the sacred… We as Westerners should not underestimate the difficulty we face when we try to cultivate inner space. Western culture has raised us to feel that any private, personal experience […]

Public Shalom – Jan. 21, 2021

“The consequences of justice and righteousness is shalom, an enduring Sabbath of joy and well-being. But the alternative is injustice and oppression, which lead inevitably to turmoil and anxiety, with no chance of well-being… Shalom is never the private property of the few.” -Walter Brueggemann, Peace: Living Toward a Vision, pg. 18-20