Walking on Water

As the deadline for this piece steadily approached, I struggled to find a fresh way into the familiar story of Jesus inviting Peter to join him on top of some stormy waves* and kept coming up with an empty net. One day, an idea floated out of the depths of memory, and I wrote, One […]

Buried Treasure

A friend of mine calls the work to uncover the roots of emotional blind spots “hunting for buried treasure.”  This delightful framing encourages me to tenderly sift amongst my doubts and fears with more ease. What hidden jewels of self are these intrusive tendencies protecting?  In the Parable of the Weeds,* we see the impulse […]

You Belong

A few weeks ago I led a silent retreat at Dayspring, “Awakening to Love’s Promptings.” The group gathered was quite diverse – Christian, Jewish, Muslim, non-religious identified, Black, White, Latino, young adults, middle and older aged, women and men; I didn’t ask about work or background, but my sense was that we were diverse in […]

Spirit of Truth

This Spring, glorious as it is, I often seem to be stuck in sad emotions and the inability to move forward in making decisions about the future. I awaken each day with a practice of remembering my identity as a beloved child of God, intending to stay conscious of the “we-ness” of approaching each moment. Yet I […]