Pure Joy

This Sunday’s gospel story, often called The Parable of the Good Samaritan, tells us how to live well and be happy: “Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.”* Obviously, sadly, there’s something most of us on this […]

Good Conversation – May 16, 2022

“Good conversation is the enemy of falsity, façade and shallowness. It chases the truth of things, it demolishes the flimsy foundation of façade and it penetrates the depths so as to soar into unfolding possibility. When things stay separate and isolated they stiffen into the act of surviving, whereas when they have a conversation with […]

Recognizing Jesus

Sometimes there are so many interesting details in one Bible story that I don’t know where to look. This third encounter between the resurrected Jesus and the disciples* is one such story: Peter naked in the boat, hurriedly putting his clothes back on before diving into the water; the very specific count of fish. When […]

In the Beginning

In the quiet of this morning I recall the prayer and gestures of the priest as he stands ready at the lectern before reading a gospel narrative each week. I make the sign of the cross on my forehead and say, dear God, may your Word be upon my mind; and then the gesture again […]