
Going By Another Way

I’ve heard and read the story of the Magi visiting the infant Jesus* so many times that the words slide past me without registering anything other than a slightly bored familiarity. T.S. Eliot’s poem, which once upon a time startled me with its immediacy and particularity of detail, has now become yet another expected, regular […]

Tears of Joy – Sept. 14, 2022

Krista Tippett: I was present and very privileged just today here in Montgomery [Alabama] to witness the head of public safety, the chief of police, offer you a public apology, and talk about his work to bring the truth of that history to policemen coming up now. It was an incredible moment. Rep. John Lewis: It was […]

On the Lookout for Delight – Feb. 11, 2022

“There is a Carrie Mae Weems photograph of a woman in what looks to be some kind of textile factory, with an angel embroidered to the left breast of her shirt, where her heart resides. The woman, like the angel, has her arms splayed wide almost in ecstasy, as though to embrace everything, so in […]