
Vanishing Monarchs – Mar. 21, 2023

“In twenty years, 99 percent of the milkweed here has disappeared. In those twenty years, farmers have been spraying their fields with glyphosate, marketed as “Roundup.” The corn and soybeans have been genetically modified to withstand the herbicide, so farmers spray often, all through the growing season. The food crops live on, but milkweed is […]

Language to God – Aug. 29, 2022

“What I struggle with here is the language to God, language which engages me with God, opens me to God, and emerges out of my deepest self, I believe that when it comes to this sort of language, this language to God, we are all pilgrims.” –Jan Richardson, In Wisdom’s Path (Pilgrim Press, 2000), xiv

Communion of Saints – Aug. 2, 2021

“The pilgrim self also needs the fearful ones to remind it that it cannot survive in its own strength alone, that it needs the company of those who have been in touch with what is highest in themselves. This self does not find archaic the ancient concept of communion with the saints. In that communion […]

Shedding the Extras – Nov. 30, 2020

“On the Camino de Santiago, makeshift shrines along the way are littered with things pilgrims have left behind—an extra pair of shoes, a sweater, a razorblade, an inflatable pillow, a book, a pair of pants, a makeup kit. Nearly every pilgrim on the Camino, despite careful packing, discovers that they are carrying too much.” –Wes […]