The Soul’s Name
Names do so much more than identify and differentiate. They provide a canvas on which to paint, exploring the what of each person, place, or thing. Richly expressive within their own borders, yet they have limits. Can a name contain more than the sum of its parts? I know what my legal forms of identification […]
Facing Pain
How it must have pained Jesus to reveal to his closest friends that he was leading them on a path that was going to bring suffering and rejection. Ultimately, it would bring even death.* We want our friends not to worry, not to dread what lies ahead, and yet we also want to be able […]
Shining Like the Sun
There is a story about two young fish merrily swimming along who encounter an old fish swimming the other way. The old fish says, “Good morning, boys. How do you like the water today?” The young fish swim on a bit and then one turns to the other and says, “What’s water?” Awareness of their […]
Practice Resurrection
“Come and have breakfast.” This is the risen Christ’s invitation to his disciples in today’s post-resurrection encounter.* Some readers of this gospel story focus on the miracle of an overabundance of fish suddenly manifesting at Jesus’ instruction where a night of fishing by his disciples had been for naught. For me the miracle is in […]