A Fresh Start?
Is it possible to have a fresh start? Not to drag old hurts and fears into the new year? The red-wigged clown, Frieda, seemed to be saying that as she sprinkled confetti from a “FRESH START” bottle on the surprised crowd gathered around carolers on a cold winter night. Some people backed away, brushing the […]
Two Questions – Aug. 30, 2021
“I used to keep my spiritual life in a tight space and felt that my work, my social life, my relational joys and struggles actually kept me away from God rather than teaching me and being sources of personal transformation for me. Now I see all of this differently. I have come to believe that […]
Some Distance – Feb. 10, 2021
“It’s only by having some distance from the world that you can see it whole, and understand what you should be doing with it.” -Pico Iyer, The Joy of Quiet
Faith, Mountains, and the Economy – Trip of Perspective

Faith & Money Network Join us for A Trip of Perspective to Wise County, Virginia November 8-11, 2018 Why Come? Awareness – Witness the witness the devastating effects of Mountain Top Removal mining on Wise County communities of Central Appalachia, dismantle stereotypes, and build relationships Lifestyles – Make the connection between our energy demands and the earth’s limited […]