
Do Not Lose Heart – Oct. 15, 2022

October is the traditional time in the Church of the Saviour for annual membership recommitment. It is an unusual church practice, perhaps unique, joining and re-joining the same faith community year after year. Or not. When I first made this commitment, a long-time member told me it gets harder every year, just the opposite of what I […]

May It Be So – May 13, 2022

“Sometimes we make religion much too complicated. Christianity, at bottom, is the simplest religion that ever existed: Love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Keep following, keep praying, keep loving. If we do these three things, and persist in doing them, day after day, week after week, […]

Keep Going – Dec. 9, 2020

I prayWhen we meet againThat the world has changedInto the world that we are imagining now togetherAnd I pray that the world has becomeThe world that we’re planting inside of ourselvesFor each otherFor our ancestorsAnd for our kids And we’re going to startThis is a rough beginningThat’s all I’ve gotIs a rough beginning to offer […]