
Fragile Perfection – Dec. 1, 2021

“One does not often come across such a perfect double-sunrise shell. Both halves of this delicate bivalve are exactly matched. Each side, like the wing of a butterfly, is marked with the same pattern; translucent white, except for three rosy rays that fan out from the golden hinge binding the two together. I hold two […]

Unconditional Love – Sep. 23, 2020

“Unconditional love is that beautiful, hoped for impossibility, and yet we could not fully understand the nature of our helplessness without looking through the lens of that hoped-for perfection.” –David Whyte

Not to Abolish but to Fulfill

Today, Jesus tells me that I am the salt that is needed to add flavor to the bread that he offers, a light that allows others to see the abundant goodness of creation.* To make the point more emphatically, he says that I need to be even more scrupulous about following the rules than the […]

Open to Grace – Oct. 16, 2019

“Spiritual perfection is not found in the fulfillment of any rigid blueprint. It is found rather in the surprising moments of meeting between God’s active grace and our spontaneous willingness. All of us know such perfect moments. They are moments lived out of the heart, found scattered through the day like manna falling in the […]