
Something Tremendous – Apr. 7, 2022

“What is Mary Frecon [one of the workers] doing? She is loving her brothers, fervently, steadily, faithfully, unfailingly. And there is nothing saccharine, soft, or sentimental about it either… There is no glory in it, no visible results in it. There is nothing in it, in other words, for her, either in money, power or […]

Deep Listening – Feb. 25, 2022

“‘Deep listening’ is a virtue that anchors every kind of love relationship, and it is the compass [social justice advocate] Sister Simone [Campbell] cites again and again as a creative, openhearted anchor to her life of strong passions and advocacy. She offers these lines of self-appraisal on whether one is being true to deep listening […]

Calm Me into a Quietness – Apr. 13, 2021

Now, O Lord,calm me into a quietnessthat heals and listens,and molds my longings and passions,my wounds and wonderingsinto a more holyand humanshape. –Ted Loder, Guerrillas of Grace

Turning Loose

Turning loose is rarely graceful. I can’t think that there’s ever the right time to do so, especially the final letting go. Rarely are we ready. I certainly wasn’t. For me, it was a tug-o-war deal, yet the other side wasn’t pulling. My mom, growing weaker from an old illness, got sick over the holidays […]