
At the Point of Greatest Need and Awareness – Apr. 26, 2023

“Implicit in the struggle which is a part of life is the vitality that life itself supplies. To affirm this with all of one’s passionate endeavor is to draw deeply upon the resource available to anyone who dares to draw upon it. The aliveness of life and the power of God move through the same […]

Deliver Me from Faint-heartedness – Oct. 12, 2022

  O Holy Spirit, Give me faith that will protect me from despair, from passions, and from vice; Give me such love for God and men as will blot out all hatred and bitterness; Give me hope that will deliver me from fear and faint-heartedness.   -Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison, p. 140

Embodied Faith – July 22, 2022

“Bodies are messy. Birth is messy. Unpredictable, dangerous even. You can pretty it up by talking about a virgin birth, thereby undermining both Mary’s sexuality and the real physical pain of bringing a baby into the world. But the truth of the matter is that Mary was a real woman, and Jesus a real baby […]