
Learning to Ask – Oct. 21, 2020

“When I ask you an honest question—for example, “Have you ever had an experience that felt like your current dilemma?” or “Did you learn anything from that prior experience that feels useful to you now?”—there is no way for me to imagine what the “right answer” might be. Your soul feels welcome to speak its […]

Losing Touch – Oct. 20, 2020

“As soon as we succumb to someone else’s definition of who we are, we lose our sense of true self and of our right relation to the world. It makes no difference whether those projections make us the hero or the goat: when we allow others to name us, we lose touch with our own […]

Knowing Ourselves – Oct. 19, 2020

“A strong community helps people develop a sense of true self, for only in community can the self exercise and fulfill its nature: giving and taking, listening and speaking, being and doing. But when community unravels and we lose touch with one another, the self atrophies and we lose touch with ourselves as well.” –Parker […]

True Vocation – Jan. 21, 2020

“The deepest vocational question is not ‘What ought I to do with my life?’ It is the more elemental and demanding ‘Who am I? What is my nature?’” –Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak: Listening to the Voice of Vocation