What it Means to Be Human – Jan. 20, 2023

“I think that if we can truly grasp and believe in how fleeting this life is, how delicate, how subject to powers beyond our control, that we can begin to set our minds to a better way of living within it that isn’t tormenting itself with trying to grasp onto things that cannot be grasped… […]

Life Is Cyclical – Jan. 19, 2023

“I think what it means to be human is to live a life that’s deeply cyclical. There isn’t one path, a straight path, and certainly not an uphill path that works its way to a summit where the angels sing… My understanding now, as I get older, of being human, is that my life is […]

We Must Recover Ritual – Jan. 18, 2023

“We are deeply uncomfortable with ritual as a society. We have deliberately rejected it. And we also, in so doing, have diminished our ability to talk about spiritual matters in our country. And I think there is a loss that I think some of us are realizing that we need to begin to recover.” –Katherine […]

Time Passing – Jan. 17, 2023

“[Ritual] gives you a sense of time passing, which is really helpful when you’re struggling, because time can begin to drag, and you can get mired in hopelessness. You get a kind of marker of your progress, so the next time that something comes up in the calendar, you can feel how far away you […]