
God’s Feast – Jan. 31, 2023

“God has invited each and every one of us to the great feast that can be our life. It is a feast where joy overshadows our normal worries and pains and where the smallness of our lives is transformed into the largeness of God’s dream. It is a feast where each of us has a […]

Jesus Came to Change Us – Jan. 10, 2023

“We often profess that Jesus came to change the world. But that really didn’t happen. Does that mean that this whole Holy Birth was a failure, just some sort of pretty, romantic story in the midst of our sometimes chaotic life? Maybe Jesus didn’t intend to change the world at all; maybe Jesus, Emmanuel, God […]

Solace Blessing – Mar. 24, 2022

That’s it.That’s all this blessingknows how to do: Shine your shoes.Fill your refrigerator.Water your plants.Make some soup. All the thingsyou cannot thinkto do yourselfwhen the world has come apart,when nothingwill be normalagain. …. –Jan Richardson, from “Solace Blessing“, The Cure for Sorrow, p. 77