Hawksbill Turtle – Mar. 23, 2023

“Here thirty years ago she broke from an egg beneath a full moon. Dozens of other inch-long hatchlings clambered around her, over her, all of them together pushing out of their sandy womb and scrambling with her down the beach, looking for the moon’s liquid reflection to direct them to the sea. Slower ones were […]

Unbounded Mercy – Nov. 18, 2022

“There are many reasons to steer clear of Christianity. No question. I fully understand why people make that choice. Christianity has survived some unspeakable abominations: the Crusades, clergy sex-scandals, papal corruption, televangelist scams, and clown ministry. But it will survive us, too. It will survive our mistakes and pride and exclusion of others. I believe […]

The Net – Nov. 3, 2022

“Myths grow not in the soil of any particular place but in the humus of humanity itself. We are not strangers to each other. We drink from different wells but from the same aquifer. A Hindu myth about the god Indra offers a beautiful illustration of this unitive principle. Indra once wove a net to encompass the world, […]

To Catch the World

Leaving home happens in physical and metaphysical ways. The leaf turns loose of the branch. The newborn bird flies her nest. The young Rabbi does the same.* Predictable familiarity gives way to the wild call to step out into the world. Having just left my teenage years, I was given the chance to study in […]