
Desire for Emptiness – June 1, 2022

“All I bring to the darkness each night is what the Cloud author calls a “naked intent,” a wish to be empty and still in the presence of that for which I have no name. The author of the Cloud says that if you find this unexplainable desire welling up within you, simply wanting time without speech with one […]

Naked Now – July 8, 2021

“Can you let God “look upon you in your lowliness,” as Mary put it in Luke 1:47, without waiting for some future moment when you believe you are worthy? Remember the words of John of the Cross: “Love what God sees in you.” Many of us never go there, because to be loved in this […]

The Liberating Face of God – Mar. 16, 2021

“Both the church and the individuals within it need to be purified if we’re to see God or ourselves clearly, which we must do if we’re to reflect the Divine to a world that is gazing at us. Purification is painful, because it requires a self-emptying, or kenosis, of all that‘s false and destructive, so […]

How Not to Be Jesus in Disguise – June 29, 2020

“While we as people of God are certainly called to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, that whole “we’re blessed to be a blessing” thing can still be kind of dangerous. It can be dangerous when we self-importantly place ourselves above the world, waiting to descend on those below so we can be the “blessing” […]