
The Path of Love – Mar. 22, 2021

“The point isn’t to stay fixed in any role, but to be committed to movement. That’s what I like about notions in Islamic mysticism that say, Are you ready to cut off your head? It’s like asking, Are you ready to make whatever move is necessary for union with the divine? And that those moves […]

Mysticism Involves Movement – Dec. 1, 2020

“In my experience, mysticism has always involved movement. That’s not like the unique whirling dervishes’ mystical prayers practiced for seven hundred years by the Sufi branch of Islam, although that is a fascinating study. Rather, simply walking, mindful of God’s presence, helps walk me away from inherited forms of spiritual practice.” –Wes Granberg-Michaelson, Without Oars, […]

Begin with Mysticism – Nov. 15, 2018

“The necessary detachment from this ugly and injurious present political climate depends upon our inner attachment to the mystery of God’s unbounded grace and divine, creative love. That is the foundation from which we can witness to truth, nurture community, and build essential bonds of solidarity with those who suffer. More than ever, politics which […]