
Deep Peace Pure Red of the Flame – Apr. 19, 2023

Deep peace pure red of the flame to you;Deep peace pure white of the moon to you;Deep peace pure green of the grass to you;Deep peace pure brown of the earth to you;Deep peace pure grey of the dew to you,Deep peace pure blue of the sky to you! –William Sharp, Dominion of Dreams: Under the […]

Hawksbill Turtle – Mar. 23, 2023

“Here thirty years ago she broke from an egg beneath a full moon. Dozens of other inch-long hatchlings clambered around her, over her, all of them together pushing out of their sandy womb and scrambling with her down the beach, looking for the moon’s liquid reflection to direct them to the sea. Slower ones were […]

Blessing – Jan. 4, 2023

May the sun bring you energy every day, bringing light into the darkness of your soul. May the moon softly restore you by light bathing you in the glow of restful sleep and peaceful dreams. May the rain wash away your worries and cleanse the hurt that sits in your heart. May the breeze blow […]

From the Center – July 2, 2021

Walk to the well.Turn as the earth and the moon turn,circling what they love.Whatever circles comes from the center. -Jelaluddin Rumi, trans. by Coleman Barks, The Essential Rumi, p. 279