The Power of Goodness – Dec. 15, 2022

““The power of the Most High will overshadow you,” the monastic liturgy prays during Advent. But who really believes it? We spend our lives, as nations and as individuals, waiting to be saved by the power of our own achievements or the power of destructive force. And yet, it is the clear, soft, consuming, overshadowing […]

Community – Mar. 4, 2022

“It’s finding a spiritual community that counts, that stretches you, that carries you on when you least feel like going on. If you’re lucky, there is a monastic choir close to you that you can join, or if none is geographically available, gatherings… online offering daily horaria you can connect with there. Then, during those […]

Statio – Feb. 28, 2022

“Statio is being where you are supposed to be before you need to go there. In monastic parlance it is about being consciously committed to what you are there to do, so that your mind isn’t partially distracted by the thing you just left behind. It requires you to get ready for one of these […]