
Working Together – Feb. 16, 2023

We shape our selfto fit this world and by the worldare shaped again. The visibleand the invisible working togetherin common cause, to producethe miraculous. I am thinking of the waythe intangible air passed at speedround a shaped wing easilyholds our weight. So may we, in this lifetrust to those elementswe have yet to see or […]

Start Close In – Sept. 5, 2022

“The temptation is to take the second or third step, not the first, to ignore the invitation into the center of our own body, into our grief, to attempt to finesse the grief and the absolutely necessary understanding at the core of the pattern, to forego the radical and almost miraculous simplification into which we […]

Miracles – Jan. 17, 2022

“A miracle is a moment when God acts because God is free to act… We can affirm that God is always free to act without also having to explain why God doesn’t act in ways we believe God should. Faith in God points only to possibilities, not necessities. Thus, calling an unusual or wonderful event […]

Never Hunger, Never Thirst

The crowds searched for Jesus, hoping for another miracle. The people search him out, seeking a miraculous sign.* Or rather, seeking yet another sign. And another. And then, maybe another, if you don’t mind. We keep asking for more and more of what we already have. We want to see again what we have been […]