
Being Open – Aug. 31, 2021

“Sometimes we may be open but not have much room to receive, due to the inner clutter that junks up and crowds our mind and heart. This clutter claims a lot of mental and emotional space and keeps us from receiving the good things we need. Just as our bodies breathe in oxygen and breathe […]

Where the Mind Is – Apr. 5, 2021

She said, “Lord, I saw you today in a vision.” He answered me, “How wonderful you are for not wavering at seeing me, for where the mind is, there is the treasure.” –King, Mary of Magdala, 7:2-4 [All quotes for this week are drawn from Karen King, The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and […]

Here Am I – Feb. 11, 2021

Lord, here is my Bible;Here is this quiet room,Here is this quiet time,And here am I.Open my eyes; open my mind; open my heart; and speak. -From The Lion’s Book of Children’s Prayers

The Source – Feb. 21, 2020

“We open our awareness to the Ultimate Mystery whom we know by faith is within us, closer than breathing, closer than choosing, closer than consciousness itself.  The Ultimate Mystery is the ground in which our being is rooted, the source from whom our life emerges at every moment.” –Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart