
I tapped a tuning fork on the table, and placed it to my ear.  More than hearing it, I felt it.  A chord plucked within me.  It entered at a level that made me wonder what other sounds wanted to introduce themselves.  It reminded me of the prayer I recently heard, spoken in a tongue […]

God Abides

I have a strong relationship with depression. There are days and weeks when I can feel as if the weight of the world is crushing me. These are isolating times when I can feel as if I am all alone and misunderstood, and yet I have learned that I am not alone in my feelings […]

Laying Down Your Life

If there is one thing the Resurrection shows us, it is God’s love. And if there is one thing I am called to as a child of God, it is to lay down my life for love of God and others. It sounds so simple, and we all know how hard it is. Some people […]

All is Well

What a difference a day makes. This week’s gospel reading* from Luke opens in the evening hours of the third day following Jesus’ crucifixion. It culminates in the dawning of a new understanding of relationship with God, as followers of Christ.  The transformative experience begins at dawn that day, with the discovery of the empty […]