
The Heart of the Gospel – Feb. 2, 2023

“This, I believe, may be the heart of the message. To let go of the stuff of our lives, be it money, privilege, our beliefs, or whatever else that prompts us to feel that it is acceptable to put people out of our hearts and simply walk away. To let go of the idea that […]

A New Dream (2) – July 13, 2021

(…continued from yesterday) “What is the message we have to shout? “There is a great party being prepared! And God wants everybody there.” It’s the wedding feast where God and all humanity will be fully joined. That is what God is after. When we embody the dream and share God’s vision, we’re helping to get […]

Mirrors of Splendor

When John’s book was written, five generations had passed since the young rabbi taught. What stories would be remembered? His words and movements echoed still, like a bronze bowl singing as the wooden striker makes sweeping arcs around its rim. Jesus is praying to his Love, the Friend who’s heart beats within him, on behalf […]

The Annunciation – Dec. 22, 2020

“He tiptoes into the room almost as if he were an intruder. Then kneels, soundlessly. His white robe arranges itself. His breath slows. His muscles relax. The lily in his hand tilts gradually backward and comes to rest against his right shoulder. She is sitting near the window, doing nothing, unaware of his presence… Ah: […]