Sword of Subtraction

A friend asked me to ponder the question, “What is shaping me?”  Then put it another way, “What does a resurrection-shaped life look like?”  I find these questions difficult because I realize so much is beyond my control.  More and more, I am in new, often unwelcome, territory.  Beloved ones die.  Health issues increase.  Years of comfortable ways of connecting in […]

Listen to Yourself – May 26, 2023

“Choose a piece of work to do by listening to yourself—the still, small voice within that speaks to you in images, wishes, dreams and fantasies, your own conversations and the conversations of others. If you make a mistake and choose the wrong task, you will still learn something about yourself and can take courage and […]

If We Listen – Apr. 25, 2023

All experience strips us of much except our sheer strength of mind, of spirit.All experience reveals that upon these we must not finally depend.Brooding over us and about us, even in the shadows of the paradox, there is something more—There is a strength beyond our strength, giving strength to our strength.Whether we bow our knee […]

Questions in the Dark

My Lenten practice this year is to notice what questions arise in the dark, either in my dreams or wakeful times. Sleep seems to filter out the trivia, and I discover what my real questions are. Some arise from worries, of course. Others involve long-forgotten incidents, odd dream encounters, and shards of conversation that I […]