
Unshakeable Confidence – Oct. 10, 2022

“We must learn to act differently from those who always hesitate… We must be clear about what we want, we must ask whether we’re up to it, and then we must do it with unshakeable confidence… All we can do is to live in the assurance and faith.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison, p. […]

I Heard Your Call – Nov. 12. 2020

Lord Jesus Christ,You were poorand in distress, a captive and forsaken as I am.You know all man’s troubles;You abide with mewhen all men fail me;It is your will that I should know youand turn to you.Lord, I heard you call and follow;Help me. –Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

The Very Narrow Way – Nov. 10, 2020

“There remains for us only the very narrow way, often extremely difficult to find, of living every day as if it were our last, and yet living in faith and responsibility as though there were to be a great future… Thinking and acting for the sake of coming generation, but being ready to go any […]