
The Line

A channel, a conduit, a portal, a pathway, a hollow bone — each carry something, allowing it to pass through. A line, a thread — they pull what is moving through me. Whose line am I holding? I begin with my own. I look just like my father, whose name I carry, and whose legacy I hold. My […]

To Those Who Came Before Me – Dec. 11, 2020

To those who came before me in seasons long ago,To those who are the loved-ones that I have yet to know,To those whose noble names I bear, whose light within me burns,To them in gratitude shall my heart be turned.To those whose lives of courage prepared the way for me,Whose works became my heritage, whose […]

The Beginning of the Story

“John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”* This is how Mark begins his gospel, the “good news about Jesus.” Do you see it? The beginning of the story about Jesus isn’t about Jesus at all– it’s about John. According to Mark, Jesus’ story begins before […]