The Imperative to Love

Today’s gospel is a familiar one. When asked what commandment in the law is the greatest Jesus says, ““You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love […]

Not to Abolish but to Fulfill

Today, Jesus tells me that I am the salt that is needed to add flavor to the bread that he offers, a light that allows others to see the abundant goodness of creation.* To make the point more emphatically, he says that I need to be even more scrupulous about following the rules than the […]

The Law of Children

Keepers of religious law aren’t much interested in entertaining brand new mission and vision statements. From the legal pads under their arms, the puzzle questions on their lips, and a growing paranoia that their way of doing things was being challenged, the leaders of the institution quizzed Jesus about the law. For those who have […]

Is It Life-Giving?

In the gospel reading for today (Mark 2:23-3:6) Jesus is being challenged by the religious authorities, ostensibly for not keeping to their interpretation of Sabbath regulations, more likely, for turning their world upside down. Jesus’ way of extravagant and unconditional inclusion and mercy is a threat to their way of life. If Jesus cannot be […]